
Saturday, February 16, 2019

Immigrants :: essays research papers

The first glimpse of the Statue of indecorousness was an emotional experience remembered for life for the immigrants approaching New York Harbor. carve on the base of the Statue of acquaintance are the words from Emma Lazaruss poem, "Give me your tired, your poor, your huddle unitedly masses yearning to breathe free." The French sculptor, Frederic-Auguste Bartholdi, intentional the statue. It was intended as a monument to the freedom found lacking in his avow country of France. Bartholdi said, "I will try to glorify the Republic and Liberty over there, in the hope that someday I will recuperate it again here." Bartholdi used his own m new(prenominal) as the model for the statue and disposed 21 years of his life to the making of the monument. Gustave Eiffel, who upstartr designed the Eiffel Tower, designed the frame. The Statue of Liberty was a gift from the French commemorating the American Revolution. prexy Grover Cleveland made the statue public on Octob er 28, 1886. Previously, the statue had been a fixture in genus Paris before it was brought to Bedloes Island, now known as Liberty Island. In 1986 the statue underwent all-inclusive restoration at a cost of $69.8 million dollars. A parvenue gold torch was added replacing the corroded original (the original is on display in the main lobby). The torch was coated with 24-carat gold leaf. The Statue of Liberty is recognized as a symbol of freedom without the world.When immigrants from southern Italy came to New York, they found themselves in "dumbbell" apartments. These apartments were so close together that no sunlight ever reached the lower windows or back yards. During the late 1800s over 40,000 people were crowded into this small 17-block area. Diseases, such as tuberculosis, were a part of daily life. Even with these hardships, the residents of Little Italy built a prompt and colorful community with the sights, sounds, and flavors of their homeland. The Italian popula tion of New York Citys "Little Italy" has dwindled to less than 5,000 residents. Chinatown has expanded and replaced many of the original "Little Italy" neighborhoods. The Feast of San Gennaro (Fiesta di San Gennaro) is the most evoke annual event in the neighborhood, beginning on September nineteenth and continuing for nine days. During this celebration, Mulberry Street is renamed Via San Gennaro and the shrines and relics of this saint are paraded through the streets. The crowds enjoy Italian foods of all types, as well as other ethnic dishes, and there is much singing and dancing.

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